T21:02:50.491369936Z: DEBUG ▶ todoist/Migrate 160c Start converting data for user 1

T21:02:50.491244197Z: DEBUG ▶ todoist/Migrate 160b Got all todoist user data for user 1 T21:02:41.695699441Z: DEBUG ▶ todoist/Migrate 160a Getting data for archived projects for user 1 T21:02:41.381143167Z: DEBUG ▶ todoist/Migrate 1608 Getting archived projects for user 1
Here are the last log entries: T21:02:39.391888931Z: DEBUG ▶ todoist/Migrate 15fd Retrieved full task data for done task 274431714 I’m using the current unstable image, as the regular image failed because of the posted_uid attribute. I just wanted to import my tasks from Todoist and after numerous tries enabled debug logging and got the following after 51 iterations and 19 minutes.